
Christian Missionaries

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Hello everybody!! We are just back from the north Italy!! We had a great week with my brother and my sister in low. Last Saturday they got merried and all my family were there to celebrate the most important day of their lives.
We had the opportunity to go to Milan and to visit the first Christian pub in Italy. The sheep ( le pecore) the pub's name is very nice place with a great stile and it is at the very centre of Milan. We meet on the gierl who is in charge of the pub and we asked her some advice about running a Christian pub....
This place is very close to What the Lord puted in our hearts 5 years ago and to know that for someone it is already something real it is an encouragement for us!
WE will be in Sheffield next week for the mission order gathering.... we cannot wait to be there!!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

A Prayer request: I don't know if it will be the same in your country, but here in Italy today is a battle day!!! We know that today 06/06/06 is the day that all the people who worship satan are gathering togheter to interceed against Christianity.
They are using this day beliving that the 06/06/06 is the day of the antiChrist. These people made some poster and tracks to invite other people to come and be part of these meetings. Almost all the churches here are praying against this event and I would like to ask you to do the same.
We know that we don't need to pray for Victory becouse we already have it in Jesus Christ but we Pray that the Holy Spirit will open people'eyes so they can worship the real King, the Only one, Jesus Christ!!
God Bless you