
Christian Missionaries

Monday, September 04, 2006

God is Good!! this is what I can say about my first wedding's preaching! I was very excited for almost all day and I was scared to say something wrong at the most wonderful day of this guys's lives. When the Pastor called me to preach.... I prayed telling to God " now, it's all about you... PLEASE HELP ME".

About 90 people were there and the most of them were youth adult.. and just 10 people were Christian! The Lord Jesus gave me a message from John 2 "the First Miracle at CANA". I shared the desire that Jesus still have to change people's lives from something "Normal" to soemthing" Very Specila" giving them an Abaundand life!

At the end of the service somebody came to me telling me " it was great" but It was not because me...I can tell you...God is the Great one!

The Lord Jesus made Cinzia's voice "Special" and new married couple had a wonderful time during the cerimony while Cinza sang some of the most beatiful Christian songs!

Praise HIM!!!!

We thank you for your prayer... we really appreciated them!!
Bless you


  • At 7:22 AM, Blogger THE GTEAM said…

    Marco, I know God used you in a great way! Awesome! AMAZING!

    We are praying for you. And don't forget to let me know how to send some money for supporting your mission trip to UK!tony

    (we had to change our blogspot address by the way!)


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